From the beginning of the 2022 school year, Crow's Nest State School will be introducing a Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) program for our secondary students. The initial 2022 rollout will be with Year 9 and 10 students, with Year 8 commencing in 2023 and Year 7 in 2024.
This pack contains all the information that you require with regards to BYOD at our school:
Planning ahead
The introduction of a BYOD program at Crow's Nest will bring our school in line with other secondary schools across the state and enable our students to engage in their schooling in a more modern way. At present devices are used periodically by students and access to these devices is dependent on availability at the time. With a BYOD program, students will have access to digital learning both at school and at home.
Crow's Nest State School aims to deliver the Australian Curriculum through a range of pedagogical practices. Information Communication Technologies (ICT) will play a more significant role in the classroom as a vehicle for student learning. It is important to note that whilst a computer or other digital device is a tool for learning it is not the only tool that will be used in the classroom.
What is BYOD?
Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) is a term used to describe a digital device ownership model where students use their privately-owned devices at school to engage with learning. BYOD allows students to bring a device that best fits their learning needs, functionality and budget.
Crow's Nest State School BYOD Model
All devices should meet the School BYOD Minimum Requirements (see over); devices that do not meet the minimum requirements may not be able to connect to School resources and may not be able to be supported by teachers in classroom learning activities.
As a feeder school for Highfields State Secondary College for Years 11 and 12, our device requirements will match to ensure continuity of learning in to Senior Schooling. Devices purchased for students to use in 2022 will be used by them for the next 3 or 4 years until they reach Year 12.
We have contacted all major retailers in Toowoomba to advise them of the introduction of BYOD to our school and the specification of devices required. (CNSS BYOD Handbook, Page 3)
Should you have any questions about the BYOD program at our school, please contact us.
The introduction of BYOD is an exciting step forward for our school and we hope that you are able to support your child to be a part of this program.