


​The first Crow's Nest School building was completed on 2 February 1877. Undoubtedly it didn't materialise without the years of planning, financial sacrifice, physical labour and, at times, contention that typify the efforts of sincere people of all times to gain for their children that stepping stone to success - an education.

The first small school was a Provisional School - a building provided by the community and a teacher appointed by the Education Department. The building was twenty by twelve feet, with one verandah and a shingle roof. Such was the success of the school, that one year later the room was overcrowded.

In October 1880, a State School replaced the provisional school on the site in Dale Street. The usual pattern of repairs, alterations and extensions began. A major step forward was the establishment in 1921 of the Rural School where boys including school-leavers were given Manual training and the girls Domestic Science.

A frequently recurring phenomenon of early settlements in rural areas was the shifting of residences - usually very gradual, but sometimes quite rapid as happened when railways were established. Early Crow's Nest had been to the South, but the township gradually moved north.

The Education Department, in what appeared to be the developing area, reserved an area of Crown Land. In 1947, this 45-acre site, where the school now stands, was gazetted as the location of a future school. In 1958 approval for a new school on the new site was finally given.

In early 1959 the Secondary Department was opened. The building was not completed, but classes began temporarily in the Church of England Parish Hall. Meanwhile building of the new school continued and late 1959 completed a seven-room primary wing, a small secondary wing and an administration block.

Since then, several small country schools have closed and their pupils have been transported to Crow's Nest by school bus. During the1960's a Manual Arts and Home Economics block was built and the secondary block extended. A Tuckshop was constructed under the Home Economics wing. The next decade saw first the two-room infant block (originally one room, but later extended). Later a temporary library building was erected - this had now become two classrooms. Two additional secondary classrooms were also added. The Preschool was a major addition to the growing complex of the school when it was constructed during 1974 and 1975. The single unit preschool was opened in July 1975.

Extensive additions and alterations to the school were completed in 1980. These included a new Science Laboratory for the Secondary Department. The Administration Block was enlarged and completely redesigned. Included in this construction was a permanent library serving both Primary and Secondary Departments.  In 2001 all secondary buildings were completely re-roofed.

Constant improvements to the school's extensive grounds have been made since 1959, due largely to the efforts of Parents and Citizens Associations. The tennis courts, ovals, netball courts, wickets etc. were established as soon as possible after the school was established on the new site. Later the auditorium and landscaping were added. Since 1998 major landscaping projects have transformed the grounds. More recently, on 7 May 1998 a significant change to the school took place with the opening of a new Administration building. The previously used administration area became the current school Resource Centre and secondary teachers staffroom.

In 2002 the school celebrated its 125th year of operation. As part of the celebrations a time capsule containing current items of schoolwork and interest was buried, and a capsule buried in 1977 was opened and the contents displayed. Both capsules are due to be opened in 8 years time in 2027 at the school's 150th celebrations.

Improvements to the school's facilities have continued over the years.

  • In 2007 with the Prep year introduced into Queensland schools, classrooms in B Block were converted into Prep learning areas. The old Preschool building was converted into an Arts block, but has more recently been operated as Kindy under Early Childhood Education and Care management.
  • The Music Block was renovated and sound-proofed to make it a more vibrant location for classroom and Instrumental Music.
  • In 2009 a new Library was constructed and the Multi-Purpose Building was extended to include a grandstand and, classroom and gym/dance space under the federal government's Building Education Revolution scheme.
  • The Science lab has been modernised.
  • The dated Home Economics room has now been modernised and updated to a commercial standard.
  • In 2019/20 all learning spaces have had air-conditioning installed.
  • Under cover play areas have been increased and updated.

In 2013 Crow's Nest State School was selected as one of 19 pilot schools across the state to lead the introduction of Year 7 to Secondary schooling. Our experiences and lessons learnt were shared across the state to enable all schools a successful transition in 2015.

With the help of the Parents and Citizens Association, Crow's Nest State School remains an active member of the community. Our staff and students participate in all local activities and events as well as encouraging the parents and the community to be a part of our endeavours as well.​

Last reviewed 18 August 2021
Last updated 18 August 2021