The main objective of the Association is to promote the interest and facilitate the development and further improvement of the school. We strive to work together with staff, students, parents and the community to raise funds to help achieve this goal. We also encourage involvement by carers and citizens to work closely to work toward a common goal.
We invite and welcome all parents, carers and community members that would like to contribute, to come along to meetings held on the 3rd Tuesday of the month. Meetings are held in the Administration building at 6:30pm.
P&C Executives
President - Brian Burton
Vice President - Sebastian Pyers
Treasurer - Cassie O'Brien
Secretary - Evalina McNeill
Crow's Nest State School has a small but active P&C association. The P&C meets on the third Tuesday of each month at 6.30pm in the Administration building. P&C members do need to be registered for their votes to count, so anyone interested in joining our school P&C association should complete the Application for P&C Membership Form and return it to the school office.
Become a member
Applications to become a P&C member are to be completed and returned to the Secretary prior to the Annual General Meeting held in March each year. The Application for P&C Membership Form and code of conduct must be signed and dated before membership is accepted.
Uniform shop
Contact the uniform convenor via the school office. There is also a clothing pool at the school with second hand items of uniform available.
Uniform Order Form